Left-Wing Progressives trying to use the Bible as an argument for Wealth-Redistribution has always been a joke for those of us who know the facts. It’s purely a Saul Alinsky tactic, which is merely to force their opposition to live up the Left’s twisted concept of what THEY think the Bible teaches about THEIR NARRATIVE of Wealth-Redistribution, which the Bible teaches NOTHING of the sort.
The Left selects cherry-picked verses from scripture, using them out of context from GOD’s overall principles of self-reliance, the FREE WILL that he grants each of us, and the requirement that when we AS INDIVIDUALS (NOT AS A COLLECTIVE), are doing well, it is our INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY (and still our CHOICE) to be charitable and helpful to those who are struggling and/or infirmed.
Neither GOD nor the Constitution grant anything to ANY of us but our unalienable rights as human beings, which are inherently given to us by nature or nature’s GOD, as creations of GOD or Nature, however you believe in GOD or not. The reference to Nature is plenty enough appropriate accommodations for those who choose to be ambiguous with regard to belief in a deity. This is the way it is clearly described in the Constitution, I’m paraphrasing it here of course…
The Constitution only affirms the protection of our unalienable rights that we each nakedly bring into this world, which many will argue even as we develop in the womb. The Constitution does not bestow these rights onto us in the way that a King or a Ruler would grant select freedoms to their subjects. Unalienable rights are essentially CIVIL human rights that we inherit simply by being born in a free country that recognizes these natural Human rights.
Among these rights are the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Are you tired of hearing that line being repeated over and over during this time that our civil rights are being attacked? I’m not. The amendments written into our Constitution also affirm that we, as American citizens, and human beings, have the right to defend ourselves from unjust tyranny of ANY kind, the right to free speech and expression, the right to assemble, freedom of religion, just to name a few…
When any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is also the right of the People to alter or to abolish it and to institute NEW government, i.e., replace those usurpers who legislate or rule against the rights given to us as INDIVIDUALS under the Constitution; rights that were put there for our safety as pursue our happiness.
Note that nowhere in the Constitution does it state that Government or the Constitution guarantee ‘happiness’ for its citizens. Nor does it assure MUTUAL OUTCOME for each citizen or group of citizens. Nor does it guarantee us the right NOT to be offended. But what it DOES essentially insure, is that each citizen, REGARDLESS OF RACE, CREED, OR RELIGION has the right to pursue their own endeavors and interests. They all mutually have the same right to SUCCEED or FAIL in their endeavors as well. Life itself is a risky endeavor. It was accepted at the onset that much can be gained and much can be lost as well. Thus making the need for each citizen to be wise in their choices and the treatment of their fellow citizens. The founders recognized this as common sense, and also recognized that it is impossible to ‘guarantee’ happiness and success to all citizens. Being the wise men that they were, they knew at the onset not to engage in such silly and impossible notions of Utopianism. Without the struggle associated with attainment, man will always fail to appreciate what he has and will grow ever foolish and wasteful. Easy come is a hard way to go, so to speak.
For those foolish enough to dive into the minutia and get lost in rhetorical narratives, here’s a simple piece of truth for you to chew on…
The Constitution recognizes and affirms Equal RIGHTS but NOT Equal “OUTCOME”. Should repeat that? Save me the typing and read the opening sentence of this paragraph to yourself at least five times and let that one sink in. Intellectual investment in that concept alone instills strength of character, morals, values, and a willingness to help others to achieve their goals as well, if they are honorable ones. When you embrace the fact that equal rights does not insure equal outcome, you can’t help but realize that the Utopian promise of Progressivism, Socialism, Communism, and all the other Big Government solutions claiming to provide “collective salvation” is nothing more than a carrot on a stick to draw-in useful idiots for Liberal elitist agenda. Egalitarianism is an impossible promise, claiming to provide equal outcome on all levels to everyone. All you have to do is surrender your liberties to the neo-statists leadership in exchange for your security and comfort. Such ideal would never survive because it is dependent upon government’s stagnant and limited ability to carry all the people in the system from cradle to grave. Such Utopian systems like this are design to empower an Oligarchy of so called intellectual elites to ration-out limited resources to their subjects what is “deemed” “their equal share” while the top elites enjoy their lives of luxury and power. China is a perfect example of what I’ve just described. Such a system relies on a collective of surfs.
We are not “guaranteed” happiness or charity as American citizens under The Constitutions, only the right to PURSUE happiness on our own terms, INDIVIDUALLY, or as organized groups, as long as our pursuit of said “happiness” doesn’t encroach on the rights of our fellow citizens; citizens who happen to have the exact same rights as you do. The key is that we have leaders that at least on paper are required to answer to us.
Guess what?… You have the constitutional right hate the following fact all you want, but the principles that have been pointed out that are contained in the Constitution are the same principles taught in the bible as to how we humans, who are the creations of GOD and Nature should behave and interact with one another. These Biblical influenced principles were infused into our Constitution by our GOD-fearing founders. Dance around it all you want, but the beautiful things about it, is that it did not use directly quoted scripture nor did they adapt it to a particular religion. Yet it applies equal justice within reason to any human being living in the United States, whether you believe in GOD or worship Nature, and even if you don’t believe in anything but your right to exist as a lump of flesh. Either way we are ruled by the laws of a civil society.
By the way, separation of Church and State is not written in the Constitution. Wealth-redistribution by Caesar or ANY other government body is NOT a practice taught or promoted in the bible. Nor are such practices mandated by GOD in ANY shape or fashion. God does demand that his children INDIVIDUALLY ‘choose’ to be charitable and give aid to the, poor, the hungry and the infirmed. This is why Judeo-Christians and wealthy individuals who are grounded in similar principles tend to donate more of their wealth to charity than Liberals or Social Progressives, which has been statistically proven in several studies. Liberals are for Wealth-Redistribution because they hate giving their own money to charity. So their response to their own narcissism is to forcefully and unconstitutionally off-load their guilt onto the purses of others.
GOD does NOT request that ANY government body rob from the wealthy against their will in order to take care of those who are less wealthy or poor. Such a policy essentially robs the wealthy individual of the blessing that GOD bestows on those who are willingly give to the charities of THEIR OWN choice.
Do yourself a favor and watch this video ALL the way through…
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