Mark Levin’s podcast on 07-24-2013 breaks down the outlandish fallacies, hypocrisy, and outright lies in Obama’s hour long Castro-like speech. This is a MUST listen if you haven’t heard it yet. He backs every bit of it with facts. Share this link below with your friends. The episode is from 07-24-2013 the night of Obama’s speech… There is something terribly wrong with anyone who cannot see the value in the assessments given by Mark Levin, who happens to be one of the best Constitutional attorneys and scholars in the country.
He has won countless cases against the Federal government and the last 3 administrations through his law firm, LandMark Legal. Mark was a Reagan appointee within the DOJ and was involved in the implementation of several laws that regulate the IRS. In fact Marks firm along with Jay Sekulow of ACLJ were directly responsible with requesting the I.G. to investigate the IRS after several failed requests to the IRS to provide their reasons for their violation of the civil rights of Conservative groups who have applied for 501(C) status.
If this information can’t convince your friends of the fact that Obama is pulling a Chavez on America then they are apathetic drones who believe administration’s propaganda, and have chosen the path of ignorance. Obama is making Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Carter, and Clinton look like mischievous alter boys. I wish there was a better way to embed the show, but you can follow the link provided above or the one directly below. Until we can edit down the show the entire (Commercial free) episode is in the link provided here.
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