Posts in category Socialism / Communism / Marxism
Ho Chi Minh Biography: How He Became ...
Given that President Obama mentioned Ho Chi Minh’s knowledge of our Constitution, it gives us an opportunity to visit what truths there are surrounding his statement. It also gives us an opportunity to recollect what really happened leading up to and after the Vietnam War. The truth is that Obama’s account of Ho Chi Minh did, at o [...]
Cuban Refugee Eyewitness to Castro Sa...
The video below is an incredibly compelling and personal account of Fidel Castro’s political approach and eventual revolution. Once the Cuban Revolution was won, Fidel, as all dictators do, enforced execution, incarcerated and more to eliminate non-compliance with the new state. This video is a must see, as he mentions how the things t [...]
“Rules for Radicals” Alin...
Who is Saul Alinsky? (Video below)
For those who have been disinterested, and/or wondering who this Saul Alinsky guy is that I refer to on occasion, whose radical anti-American doctrine has plagued the Liberal dialog and converted the Democrat Party into the New Democrat Socialist Party. Saul Alinksy, which Obama masterfully instructed course [...]
Class Warfare – What is It, and...
We are having to endure the entitlement (Marxist) creed that creates division and class-warfare, which is the hallmark of this presidency… Liberals will claim that this statement I’ve just made is Conservative hyperbole, but facts prove that it is NOT… Here’s the proof: The ideological writings that was once thought to [...]
The Left Agenda
The Agenda – Grinding America Down
Below is a video documentary that is backed by documented facts detailing exactly what sort of cultural subversion has been going on in the United States for more than more than 70 years. After you watch this and look around at what our society has “devolved” into, you will reflect back to [...]
“McCarthyism” – Rev...
The Marginalizing of McCarthy and American Communism
Aside from the many differences of opinion of HOW McCarthy went about investigating Communist subversion tactics to undermine everything America stands for, his premise FOR the hearings and investigations was sound and valid, as has been well documented and proven after McCarthy’s hea [...]